With the upcoming release of the second installment toThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, gamers are starting to reminisce and discuss some of their favorite titles. EachZelda game brings something unique to the franchise, withBreath of the Wild (BOTW)demonstrating some of the biggest revolutions in the games. While fans are excited to see the continuation of this series, there are some features they feel should return from earlier in the franchise.

One specificZelda game has come up in discussions on Reddit as an example of features that players would like to see.The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess(TP), which was first released on the Game Cube and Wii, is a favorite amongstZelda games, with many Redditors even claiming that it is superior toBreath of the Wild for various reasons.

10 Better Dungeons

A common complaint inBreath of the Wild is that it subverted the basic dungeon format thatZeldafans had grown used to. One Reddit user felt that ifBreath of the Wild had dungeons similar toTwilight Princess they'd "be even happier with it."

The dungeons inTPhad a lot of variety, making it one of the bestLegend of Zeldagames. Each dungeon had a unique appearance inside and out, with bosses that required a great deal of problem-solving to defeat. WhileBotWhad shrines and the Divine Beasts that contained puzzles and enemies, the lack of variety left gamers missing the older traditions.

9 Better Equipment

TP had a lot of the familiar items from previous games, such as a slingshot and clawshot. It also introduced some new and exciting items such as the spinner, dominion rod, gale boomerang, and more. These tools allowed Link to interact with different parts of Hyrule at different times in the game, making puzzle solving even more interesting.

These types of tools are another thingBotW did away with, however.  Instead, they introduced a large number of swords, spears, and bows that could only be used for a short time before breaking. "I'd much rather have a small selection of unique items," said a Reddit user. This user isn't alone, with the return of unique weapons being one of the biggest changes fans want to see inBreath of the Wild 2.

8 More Combat Options

The combat in theZeldagames has evolved since the days of simple sword jabs in the NES and SNES titles. InTwilight Princess, Link can have up to 4 weapons equipped at a time and effortlessly switch between them. This combined with the variety of tools keeps the combat full of options.

"InBotW the Boomerang is another type of Weapon, inTP it's a tool you can also use in battle," said Redditor Gamer-chan, going on to explain how the ability to turn into a wolf at will gives even more fighting options inTPthat is just superior toBotW.

7 Superior Story

Twilight Princess has one of the most in-depth storylines of any of theZelda titles. The threat of the falling Twilight over Hyrule, Zelda's stand against Zant, the revelation of Ganondorf's resurrection, and course, the twist that Midna is the Twilight Princess all result in an almost theatrical experience for gamers.

In comparison, the storyline ofBotW falls flat. "TPhas the story," said Redditor Ellisander. In comparison, TheBotWstory gives Princess Zelda a lot more personality, but that is as far as the value of the story goes. While it may be an unpopular opinion about Breath of the Wild, the story just felt lacking to this Redditor.

6 Midna As A Companion

While Link doesn't always have a companion, mostZelda games see him with some sort of useful pal that accompanies him on his journey. Navi fromOcarina of Time is one of the most noteworthy, with her annoying voice becoming a memorable staple of the game.

Breath of the Wilddid away with the companion. Instead, Link has the occasional help of the Champions to help him along his way. However, some players, like Redditor Gamer-chan, recall Midna fondly as the "least annoying companion." In addition, Midna's value to the story and her almost soothing voice made her a quick series favorite.

5 Art Style

EveryZelda game brings something new to the table in regards to art, with no two games looking quite the same.Wind Wakerembraced the fully cartoon-like art style, whileBoTW focused more on breathtaking landscapes.

Redditor Rebelarch86 feels thatTP's "appeal is the art style." The game went the most realistic in its style and incorporated the dark theme of Twilight in its design. In addition, the characters of this title look by far the coolest in comparison to other games. The result of this design work was a beautiful world that gamers could look at for hours.

4 Easy To Replay

BotW is the first fully open-world title in theZelda franchise, which created endless opportunities for exploration. However, games likeTwilight Princessthat function like an interactive story allows gamers to play again and again.

Redditor Aus01515 felt thatTP was superior in that it was "replayable," also stating that they have "seen Hyrule in botw enough to not enjoy the exploring aspect anymore." So while the world is large inBotW,the lack of a complex story results in a lack of drive in gamers to repeat the game.

3 Better Music

TheZelda franchise is known for its music, with titles likeOcarina of TimeandWind Waker even using it as a mechanic for puzzle solving. However,BotW steered away from this Zeldacliche. While the game still features relaxing music to explore, it is missing a lot of the nostalgic tunes that gamers are often looking for.

Redditor Aus0115 felt thatTwilight Princess "will always have its story, bosses, dungeons, [and] music." The game only somewhat used the originalOcarina of Time songs to manipulate gameplay, but it also included new deeply beautiful songs, such as "Midna's Theme", that instantly became a part of theZeldaclassic.

2 Unique Dungeon Themes

MostZeldagames will feature temples that correlate with different elements, such as water, fire, and even spirit temples.Twilight Princess took this further, adding in a Snowy-themed temple, and even a temple in the sky. With each temple containing unique enemies and puzzles that follow this theme, gamers like user Vados_Link "prefer"Twilight Princess for this reason.

BotWstill had many of the regions that otherZeldagames did, such as deserts, lakes, and planes, and the Divine Beats of those areas fit with the themes of those regions. However, the puzzles within these beasts were all fairly similar, eliminating the variety that gamers loved aboutTP.

1 Unlockable Combat Skills

InBreath of the Wild, players quickly learn what combat moves they have available. For example, if gamers time their moves right they can dash at opponents and get in a larger number of strikes.

InTwilight Princess, however, Link gains more abilities as the game goes on. Redditor SuperfightingRobit preferred this, feeling that they served as a sort of "leveling up" function as opposed to an "auto-execution 'I win the fight button.'" While neither way seems to be easier or harder, the development and growth of combat inTwilight Princessmade for more satisfying victories.

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